

North America



Do you have what it takes?

People constantly ask us how they can join the Instinct team. Well, there are several ways this can happen, and sometimes it’s as easy as being in the right place at the right time. Not everyone needs to be a fully qualified animal trainer. As long as you have a positive attitude, a kind heart, are willing to work hard, get dirty and have fun, then that’s a good start!

Full & Part Time Positions

The film industry is well known for its feast or famine reputation. Very often projects come and go without warning. Instinct has a core group of trainers who have been with us for years. But every now and then, we have projects that require us to hire new trainers. These projects can require trainers part-time for several weeks/months or full-time for a year or more. Please feel free to send us your resume.


People from all walks of life seem to have an interest in what we do. And sometimes people have an idea that they want to work with animals in the film industry.

When we have space available and our schedule allows, we encourage people to join out intern program. This allows people to be around the animals interacting with them, but also to see and fully understand the amount of work and dedication that goes into a career like this. Interns can be daily participants when their schedules allow, or semi-permanent depending on their interest.

International Opportunities

This program was set up to facilitate the overwhelming number of requests we’ve had from people overseas. The purpose of this unique program is to allow international students to come and spend quality time with us.

This time may be spent on our home location or it may include being with us on filming locations. Participants are included in every detail of our work, from cleaning pens, cutting grass, supply runs, garbage runs, vet visits, animal training sessions and assisting us on a film set if needed. This program requires the participant to pay a weekly fee which includes accommodation and meals. Time spent with us is entirely up to the individual. Some people prefer a week or two, while others stay for much longer.

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